B4silio's Cubing stuff

Data Analysis

Fancy Charts Generator

After a long while of regular requests from the community, here's a simple version of my chart generator for solve times distribution.

Note: There isn't much in the way of help, but hopefully the interface is sufficiently self-explanatory

Here is a web-based applet version
And here are the OSX and Windoiws executable, they should be self-contained and need no additional libraries

Copy & Paste your AO100 (or AO50, or your entire session data) from csTimer/+ and adjust the display options to your heart's content. Should work with both verbose and compact formats from the Round/Session Statistics readout of csTimer. Otherwise, line by line times with a # of solve & time with format "1. XX.XXX" will also work.

Software is provided as is, and may crash or generate unexpected behaviour. By using it you are accepting any possible risks.

Recon Viewer

A simple frame-by-frame video player to help out the reconstruction process for the heroes who do this kind of things.

Note: Be sure to check the help section with shortcuts and explanations.

OSX version v0.5d
Windows version v0.6

Props to Stewy for giving me the idea! Changelog here.

Software is provided as is, and may crash or generate unexpected behaviour. By using it you are accepting any possible risks.

Hagis : Here's a Graphic Interface to the Solver

A graphical interface created to make life easier to people who want to test out algorithms and alg-search procedures and do not want to learn a new scripting program

OSX version v0.6
Windows version v0.4
Linux AppImage v0.4

This software came to be at first as a means to expose Matt diPalma's brilliant HARCS software, which is a fantastic program, but – without wanting to take anything from the powerhouse of algorithms that hides within it – is not exactly user friendly. During the development of the interface, Herbert Kociemba's 2-step solver was integrated, which led to the creation of a "Painting" option to extracts scrambles from states painted onto the cube, and finally Vincent Trang's MoveCountCoefficient calculator, from which a number of things were exposed to the public, which were previously computed but not shown. (Note: the linux version is not a proper bundle, you'll still need to have Qt5 installed, plus a couple of other requirements.)

A quick description of the different "modes" for this software:
  • Solve: Move the cube around using the mouse, or insert a scramble (and then move things around if you want), hit the Solve button and it will provide the optimal solution using Kociemba's 2-step alg.
    • Cube Painter: Enable the Cube Edit option to be able to draw the faces of the cube. Click on a piece and drag for it to show the possible colors. Note that you might get to an unsolvable cube due to parity
    • Scramble tweaks: Use the controls around the scramble/moves display to invert, rotate, generate moves
  • Algs: This is a graphical interface to determining the "pre-alg" state of the cube and the "target" state for HARCS alg search procedure. Activate the desired movesets and hit Alg Search. If a specific state is provided, only cases starting from there are generated, otherwise all states corresponding to the Pre-Alg vs Target descriptions will be generated. WARNING: memory usage when going above 14 moves AND using several moves in the moveset can easily go over 10gb of RAM. Use with caution!
  • MCC: This is a more detailed version of Trang's MCC, it exposes the Starting Grips and moves that are computed internally during the evaluation of MCC. Copy paste a bunch of algs in the input box and hit the compute button. Click on individual algs to obtain the internal moves used for computation
    • Moves Fixing: The algs can be tweaked to correct spacing, or replace some types of moves (e.g. convert l/r into their R/L equivalent). It is applied individually to each line as a separate alg
    •  Additions to MCC: Some fingertricks have been added to MCC (e.g. pinches for F/F' from home-grip, ZipperBee's homegrip B and F2s, moreover rotations have been added as well
  • Script: This will technically feed the text line by line to HARCS. (However it wont output anything unless you're launching the software in console mode)
Changelog here.

Some known bugs:
  • The Case Setup with unsolved pieces (e.g. CMLL) requires the pieces setup to be appropriate: use the oriented->ignore status to make sure that the pieces are allowed to be moved around even if they are and remain oriented (e.g. for OLL cases)

Note: if you're on Windows, it might tell you that MSVCP140_1.dll is missing. If that is the case you might need to install the "Microsoft Visual C+ Redistributable Package 2015, 2017 and 2019", download the 64-bit version and install it

Software is provided as is, and may crash or generate unexpected behaviour. By using it you are accepting any possible risks.

Audio Timer

A timer that uses your microphone to detect pauses/split in solves, or to auto-split algs executions.

Note: Be sure to check the audio level of your microphone to make sure it's picking up your cube noises.

OSX version
Windows Version

Dev Notes

Got the idea to do this after watching one of cyoubx videos where he was basically doing exactly the same thing.
It uses the first microphone/input it finds on the system and you can set a baseline "silence" threshold.

App has two modes:
- Solves: standard timer, it detects pauses during the solve and how much of the total time has been spent "looking" vs "turning"
- Algs: hit start and do drills of your favorite algs, it will detect when you pause and measure the duration of the alg. Useful if you want to understand which fingertricks might be faster, or more consistent, or to check out multiple algs for the same OLL/PLL (or other)

UPDATE (2020-09-30): Now introducing Split By Voice
Say "Split" or anything really that lasts at least 0.5 seconds and it will automatically generate splits. If you set "CFOP splits" it sticks to maximum 4 splits, otherwise it takes as many as you make it take. Dont be afraid to use longer utterances, as it splits at the beginning of the word and this way you're sure it will detect it properly. You can play with the "voice" threshold to be sure it catches your words.

For some reason a higher pitch seems to work better (at least on my laptop mike), although I havent been able to make many tests: it's the middle of the night and my flatmate is not too keen on having me shouting "SPLEEEEEEEET" at different volumes to evaluate the thresholds. Big thanks to /u/RAHDXB for the idea!

UPDATE (2020-10-01): Added Scrambles and AOx display
- Added some quality of life features to the timer.
- Scramble generation (random moves, rather than random state)
- Added an option to boost volume, as well as to disable the audio system altogether
- Ao5/Ao12/Ao50/Ao100 as well as PBs, and graph with the distribution of solve times
- Copy and paste Ao5 and Ao12 data, as well as the distribution graph
- Added Import from and Export to CSTimer txt files (to re-integrate sessions into CSTimer if desired): date&time of solve is stored and sorted so that the newest solves from either are kept
- Added buttons to assign DNFs and +2s to solves

UPDATE (2021-04-25): Added Audio Input selection
- Under the menu Settings > Select Audio Input

Software is provided as is, and may crash or generate unexpected behaviour. By using it you are accepting any possible risks.

Cubing Megasurvey 2022

Here are the latest results from the 2022 megasurvey, with 1400+ participants, almost 100 pages of report and plenty of things to learn! A presentation article and the full analysis are available here (click on image)

In 2021 we had a joint collaboration between the Reddit cubing subreddit and the Chinese BiliBili community. The presentation article and the full analysis are available here (click on image)


And for a much shorter analysis from 2020 results:


A large-scale analysis of thousands of solves from top-level cubers. Find the article and data HERE.

More information on the subreddit here.

Swiss Nationals 2022

A quick data analysis of the results from Swiss Nationals 2022 in September 2022


Bas's Cube Reviews

A modest attempt to review new (and sometimes older) cubes

Cubes audio footprint

I recorded a bunch of cubes to see how noisy/quiet they were

Audio Test

Bas's Guides and algsheets

A series of algsheets and guides I've made over the years that might be useful to some of you.
Click "Open image in new Tab" to get full-resolution version.

OLL by move
                  typeGuide to the 8355 method4-Look last layer
                  algsCMLLPLL Recognition BlocksCube Shape
                  flow for Square 12.5 sided recognitionEOLR
Last 4 Edges